woman in black jacket standing beside black and white striped wall

Retro-fit Astro Camera

silhouette of off-road car
My First Astro Camera build from a Logitech Webcam

My first Astrophotography camera was a retro-fitted Logitech WebCam, I used this for planetary captures until I got my actual ZWO ASI Astrocameras.

My Dad had helped me with re-engineering a Logitech Webcam to be used as as Astro cam, check out some images.

From this..

Ring from a 1.25" eye piece

Retro-fitting the Logitech webcam was challenging yet fun, we had to remove the lens and the IR housing to expose the sensor so that with used along with the telescope the light from the scope directly hits the sensor for capture.

I used this camera for quiet some time for planetary imaging.

To this..